Graduation Requirements
A student must fulfill graduation requirements in effect when he/she enters the ninth grade for the first time, without regard to the year the student graduates. A summary of graduation requirements is presented in this section; please consult your school counselor or administrator for further information.
Pennsylvania State Government passed in October 2018 Act 158 which requires students in the Class of 2023 and beyond to meet one of the following graduation requirement options:
Option 1: Composite score on Keystone Exams
A student meets or exceeds a stated-defined satisfactory composite score across the 3 Keystone Exams (Algebra, Biology, Literature) with a proficient score on at least one exam and no less than basic on the remaining two exams. The composite score will be recommended by the secretary of education and approved by the State Board of Education.
Option 2: Local grade requirements + alternate assessments, courses and programs, acceptance to college
Students who are enrolled in the CTC must pass academic content associated with the Keystone Exams (Algebra, Biology, and Literature) on which student did not achieve proficiency; and attain an industry based competency certification on tests such as The National Occupation Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) or National Institute of Metalworkers Skills (NIMS).
Option 4: Local Grade Requirement + two tiers of additional evidence of readiness
A student must pass courses in academic content areas of the Keystone Exams (Algebra, Biology, Literature and three pieces of evidence that reflect readiness for meaningful postsecondary engagement consistent with the student’s goals and career plan.
One piece of evidence must be from Tier 1:
Two pieces of evidence may be from Tier 2:
Academic Students
Unit of Subject
4 English
3 Mathematics
3 Science
3 Social Studies
1 Health
1 Physical Education
2 Arts or Humanities
8 Elective Courses focused on Career or College Pathways
25 Total Credits
Career and Technology Students
4 English
3 Mathematics
3 Science
3 Social Studies
1 Health
1 Physical Education
8 Elective Courses through CTC courses
25 Total Credits
*Students in Advanced Placement or College Credit classes will receive weighted credits towards their overall grade point average on a 5-point scale.
The Carmichaels Area School District will acknowledge each student’s successful completion of the instructional program appropriate to the student’s interests and needs by awarding a diploma at graduation ceremonies.
The District shall award a regular high school diploma to every student enrolled in this district who meets the requirements of graduation. The requirement for graduation shall be the completion of work and studies representing the instructional program assigned to grades 9 through 12.
The fourth year of high school shall not be required if the student has been accepted by an accredited institution of higher learning and has completed all requirements for graduation.
The Superintendent is responsible for the planning and execution of graduation ceremonies which appropriately mark this important achievement. Accurate recording of each student’s achievement of academic standards shall be maintained, as required by law and State Board regulations.
Students shall be informed of graduation requirements they are expected to complete.
Periodic warnings shall be issued to students in danger of not fulfilling graduation requirements.
No student who has completed the requirements for graduation shall be denied a diploma as a disciplinary measure, but he/she may be denied participation in the graduation ceremony when personal conduct so warrants. Such exclusion shall be regarded as a school suspension.
A list of all candidates for the award of a diploma shall be submitted to the School Board for its approval.